What is the Refund Policy?

What is the Refund Policy?

Refund Policy, like in every store we are in and get a damaged item, missing item or the item we’ve paid is not available is subject to a Refund. Refund is a process in which customers can get back their … Continued
How do I refund my Customer?

How do I refund my Customer?

For OMISE https://www.omise.co/how-do-i-create-a-refund For STRIPE https://stripe.com/docs/refunds For PAYPAL https://www.paypal.com/ph/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-issue-a-refund-via-paypal-faq780
Where can I find the SSID for refunds?

Where can I find the SSID for refunds?

You can refer to the SSID or Service ID Number of a specific transaction or Order Number, under Payment Status > The SSID is indicated, and look it up on your Payment Gateway to process a refund.