Banners Module v1.0.5.1 Banners are theĀ images at the top page of your website. (in Facebook, we call it the Cover Photo) This will also add essential promotion to your page especially if you have your best sellers, promos … Continued
Static Block Static Block is a part of CMS page that can also edit your Offline Payment Method and Popup Banner. An illustration above stating all sort of inclusions associated with Static Block. The main here is the Offline Payment … Continued
CMS Navigation CMS Navigation – An insight creation of page where you can put up your customization of experience with NinjaOS Pages – Pages are section where in you can put your (About Us, Contacts) and any other info useful … Continued
Pages Pages have a huge role on your website. These are some of the most important parts of your images wherein you can put necessary information like your About Us of you company, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and alike. … Continued