Create Promotions (Promo Code) on NinjaOS

Outlets and other E-Commerce can also have their promotions on a specific timeframe.
Promo based on a certain Category.
UPDATE: You can add a promotion code that customers can avail of a complimentary item.

To set a Promotion, go to Dashboard > Promotions > SubMenu Promotions

To Create Promo, click on the Add (+) Button on the upper right corner.

  1. Promo Code – your unique promo code should be applicable to apply (i.e, SUNDAY15OFF, SUMMERPROMO)
    UPDATE: You can choose 2 options, either discount code or complimentary item code.
  2. Promotion Date – take note of your START date and END date. Specifically, the time started and time ended.
  3. Promotion Cart Minimum Quantity/Promotion Cart Max Quantity – can leave it blank
  4. Promo Category – select a specific CATEGORY that applies the promo.
  5. Coupon Type Select either it is a Multiple Use or One Time (Single) use.
  6. Delivery – this should be inactive
  7. Promotion type Select either PercentaMage (value of %) or Fixed (value of $SGD)
  8. Maximum Amount – Put value at least 1000 or any value not less than 1000.
  9. Promobuddy – for Popup purposes, uncheck if not applicable
  10. Always place promotion as Active

Hit Submit to Apply Changes.


Editing Promotion is the same steps above, just click on the edit icon on the main Promotion Page


a. Look under Promos Tab on the landing page

b. Look for the promotion on this page (Please make sure you are logged on before viewing such promos)


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