Module v1.0.5.1
Banners are the images at the top page of your website. (in Facebook, we call it the Cover Photo) This will also add essential promotion to your page especially if you have your best sellers, promos and anything that highlights your services, items and products.
To add banners on your site. Simply follow the instructions below.
On your Dashboard, go to CMS > Banners
On Banners, you will see the screen below.
Sample Illustration Only***
To add Image/Banner, click on the Add Button (+) on the top right corner
Note: Banner image size should be at least 768×450 px.
- Name – Put Name of the picture
- Image – Upload image you desire to display
- Description – apply description on both Web and Mobile field
- Sort Order – select value based on it’s arrangement
- Status – Always keep it Active so it will show on main page
After completing the page, hit SUBMIT to apply changes.
Why my Image doesn’t look right? Check NinjaOS Image Sizes