
Loyalty Settings (CRM)


Loyalty Settings is a common feature for all Pro and Enterprise users. Customers can earn points or cashbacks on a certain purchases using our NinjaOS Platform.

CRM can be done in two ways. The NinjaOS default and integrations from another platform.

Go to Settings > Loyalty Settings

Locate the Loyalty Settings next to Promotion Settings.

And the illustration below is to set your preferred or desired Loyalty Points to be earned by customers
Note: Loyalty Feature only applies to customers signed up completely on your website.

  1. REDEEM/EARNING POINTS : This should be fixed as 1:1 portion. Meaning, 1 Point is 1 SGD.
  2. REVIEW POINT : You can leave it as is.
  3. LOYALTY EARNING : (On its %) on this part, you can choose how many percent of total amount in cart to earn specific points. (i,e; 10% every 100SGD is already 10 points)
  4. LOYALTY EXPIRY : You can set expiration of total accumulated points. (0 as non expiring, 1-365 days can be set)

Hit SUBMIT to apply the changes.

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