Outlet Based Service Charge
You can apply a Service Charge on an Outlet Specific (if you have 2 or more outlets) and apply a different Service Charge on each outlet.
Go to Dashboard > Username (on upper right corner/outlet name) > Surcharge and click.
The main screen of Surcharge Settings is shown as below.
It’s a combination of Surcharge and Service Charges.
Now.. Let’s focus on Service Charge.
- Service Charge Option – should be on
- Tick the OutletBased option / the other side is common
- Service Charge – put value based on your charge
- Select either a Percentage or Fixed next to Service Charge
- Select Outlet – Select specific outlet (if you have 2 or more)
- Availability – Set Charges for the following Availability Delivery,DineIn, Pickup, Reservation
Hit SUBMIT to apply changes and it should appear upon checkout.